We went to the Jerusalem Botanical Garden today. It is a little bit of the poor cousin to the Zoo. It has a similar layout, being stretched out in the bed of a wadi but it seems to have had a harder time attracting donors. Rhinos are a sexier sell than succulents. Apparently, everybody wants their name on an elephant (or will settle for a tapir) but you didn't see a lot of signs saying "the Peter and Florence Rosenblatt Walnut Tree." The place looked frizzled and neglected. There were a lot of birds and apparently nearby is the

Jerusalem Bird Observatory station. I saw a pair of bee-eaters which are very pretty little birds (the males, the females are pretty plain Jane). They look like hummingbirds. I even saw one grab a bug. We also saw jays of some description and maybe a hoopoe, Israel's recently elected national bird (didn't get a good look). Benjamin found a porcupine quill which is pretty cool. Ariela drew faces on acorns. I was on the lookout for a cinnamon tree. There is a cinnamon tree in a garden in Jerusalem in this book we read to Benjy and I am longing to see one, but if the JBG has one I didn't find it. I did see a walnut and pistachio (neither are bearing fruit right now).
And I know I promised I was done, but I saw it. The BAD PLANT, the Colossal Scotch Hogbroom.

Here is a picture of me with the final thing ready to spray evil poison and the horribly phallic shoot at the left. I forgot my protective eyewear at home so I couldn't pull it up. It turns out it is the flower of an agave (those big aloe-y looking things). I don't know if it shoots toxic acid but I did get a nasty poke from the agaves themselves.
Benjy has been singing Tree Hugger by Antsy Pants from the Juno soundtrack ("In the sea there was a fish, a fish that had a secret wish..."). I think we may have to record it. I have visions of translating it into Hebrew, maybe getting somebody to do it into Arabic and then singing it with lots of kids. Doves will fly over head. Peace will break out all over.
Tonight is Rosh Hashanah. I feel like I should be cooking and cleaning like a crazy person but we are invited out for every meal! Booyakasha! Have a happy 5769 everybody (to paraphraze Prince we're gonna party like it's Tishsat!!!).
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