Just a quick PS regarding birds on our trip. We saw some kingfishers on the Red Sea fluttering over the water waiting for fish. We also saw something that looked very much like a loon in the ocean at Caesaria. That surprised me because I think of them as being northern birds. I can't find anything even remotely close to a loon in my Israel bird guide. By far the most impressive birds we saw were on our way to Pardes Hanah to visit David and Ronni. There were Vs of migrating birds, big birds that looked like herons or egrets. It was hard to get a good look at them when they were flying but when we were driving around Pardes Hana we saw trees full of dozens and dozens of huge, white birds as if they had grown there. They would all perch on one tree and leave another totally birdless. I think they were egrets. The Little Egret -- Livnit Ketana -- has a plume which I didn't see on any of the birds I spotted. The other egret that is identified in my Israeli bird guide is the Great Egret -- Livnit Gedolah -- not sure if that's what we were seeing.
Not sure what it means but it seems clear that this is some kind of omen about the coalition negotiations here in Israel where Tsipi (her full name is Tsipora which = Bird) Livni is busy laying out terms for her party's participation in the government.
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